This week onward, we slow down on the number of topics we cover every lesson. This does mean that we cover in more detail what we talk about in subsequent lessons. This week, we look into Information and Communications Technology. Interesting.
Before we start talking about the lesson, I'd like to start with a corny quote.
“The first rule of any technology used in a business is that automation applied to an efficient operation will magnify the efficiency.
Before we start talking about the lesson, I'd like to start with a corny quote.
“The first rule of any technology used in a business is that automation applied to an efficient operation will magnify the efficiency.
The second is that automation applied to an
inefficient operation will magnify the inefficiency.”
- Bill Gates -
I guess Bill is right. Technology is a knowledge applied, a tool of propagation. It is imperative we choose to apply technology in the right means. Nuclear technology was probably not intended to leave birth deformities and centuries of consequences in World War 2. Yet when applied, the effects were astounding.
But we discussed the evolution of the internet, from its birth, to web 2.0 and now web 3.0. Who knows what the future holds? There are countless sci-fi movies and videos imbued with what we can only dream of now. The video by xbox 360 which came out years back really struck me. What a video to show on a Saturday, much less to say, shown years ago? I was deeply impressed by the amount of realism that could be infused into xbox's kinect. On second thought, the wide array of technologies that Microsoft delves into is part of a bigger picture. An ecosystem of devices and games, inclusive of cloud technology. Its complexity and beauty is beyond words..
Oh yes, I was getting ahead of myself. Cloud technology was briefly mentioned in the paragraph above. Cloud technology is truly groundbreaking as it revolutionizes the whole IT industry. Now, we no longer have to periodically connect our phones to our computers to backup information. Also, software is starting to be designed in a different way. Games are now more interactive, linking up people all over the world to play simple and complex games against each other. Personally, I have a Network Attached Storage at home, what most call a personal cloud. The convenience which I had learnt of only about a year ago. I love the convenience it brings to me and my family. It has revolutionised the way I think and work. Anywhere in the world, I am able to access the information I store in the NAS.
However, on second thought, not all is great. There are certainly dangers and loopholes despite added convenience. Security is always an issue. We are getting increasingly interconnected, and vulnerable to data loss and more. If Facebook got hacked into, much information about people would be revealed. We do not know what might happen should this information get into the wrong hands.
That being said, there is much to anticipate in the near future. Truly, this is the best time to be living. All in all, the session was good for me. I always learn something different each lesson.
Rating: 7/10
I guess Bill is right. Technology is a knowledge applied, a tool of propagation. It is imperative we choose to apply technology in the right means. Nuclear technology was probably not intended to leave birth deformities and centuries of consequences in World War 2. Yet when applied, the effects were astounding.
But we discussed the evolution of the internet, from its birth, to web 2.0 and now web 3.0. Who knows what the future holds? There are countless sci-fi movies and videos imbued with what we can only dream of now. The video by xbox 360 which came out years back really struck me. What a video to show on a Saturday, much less to say, shown years ago? I was deeply impressed by the amount of realism that could be infused into xbox's kinect. On second thought, the wide array of technologies that Microsoft delves into is part of a bigger picture. An ecosystem of devices and games, inclusive of cloud technology. Its complexity and beauty is beyond words..
Oh yes, I was getting ahead of myself. Cloud technology was briefly mentioned in the paragraph above. Cloud technology is truly groundbreaking as it revolutionizes the whole IT industry. Now, we no longer have to periodically connect our phones to our computers to backup information. Also, software is starting to be designed in a different way. Games are now more interactive, linking up people all over the world to play simple and complex games against each other. Personally, I have a Network Attached Storage at home, what most call a personal cloud. The convenience which I had learnt of only about a year ago. I love the convenience it brings to me and my family. It has revolutionised the way I think and work. Anywhere in the world, I am able to access the information I store in the NAS.
However, on second thought, not all is great. There are certainly dangers and loopholes despite added convenience. Security is always an issue. We are getting increasingly interconnected, and vulnerable to data loss and more. If Facebook got hacked into, much information about people would be revealed. We do not know what might happen should this information get into the wrong hands.
That being said, there is much to anticipate in the near future. Truly, this is the best time to be living. All in all, the session was good for me. I always learn something different each lesson.
Rating: 7/10
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