Thursday, 31 January 2013

Week 4

This week we talked about drivers of world change as well as change leadership.

We analysed through readings, how the world is expected to change in the near future under many different categories. It was fascinating how the world collaborates with the FBI, CIA and all these intelligence agencies to collate and synthesize reports anticipating world change. I guess innovation has been a habit for the past century. The report is great to have.

Change comes in certain stages. Change is good. However, the transition is usually not smooth as we are out of our comfort zones and need to experiment to find an optimal performance level etc. Beyond these teething problems, we get into the zone and never look back. In the future we would wonder why we never made a switch earlier. I believe this view applies to many areas such as environment, politics, science and more.

Change leadership imparts to me a message that, in order to leave a lasting legacy, we need to be receptive to change and adapt to the environment. We explored many different ways to manage change. We also learnt that people are independent thinkers. It is now harder to be a leader than it used to be. Due to the context of scarce resources and all, many say that this is the best time to be living and leading. (not the exact phrase).

I personally liked Ivan's presentation this week as it highlights the emergence of new avenues for advertising and packaging brand image, ideology and more. However, phenomenon like Youtube and Facebook might not be a great thing to have, sometimes.

1) Negative things spread like wildfire
Remember the 10 and 13 year old brothers who were run down by a cement truck just this week? Pictures of the scene were circulating around via social media. How upset would the parents have felt?
Of course, through these trials we learn of the ones who have heart. Mr Brown tweeted, asking netizens to stoo sharing the gory photos. The family is having it bad enough.

2)Difficult to monitor/ enforce
Our only protection is our own moral compass. Some may be misled by convincing arguments, rhetoric, appeals to pity and more. When applied mildly, perhaps we part with $400. When used for a different purpose, nations can be jolted into revolt.

However, it is my opinion that these avenues should be present as a check in balance of power and more. Also, today we are learning how to differentiate between warped arguments, opinions and facts. From time to time, we make imperfect decisions and are swayed by emotions, the list goes on. However, social media does more good than bad. It gives us perspective and interconnectivity, never before experienced in the same way.

Rating for this session: 8/10

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